Monday, July 28, 2014

Let Them See Him Through You

I am going to be completely honest, other than my mom and my church family, I have almost zero support when it comes to my faith. I have people that I love who think I am spending too much time serving at church, and others who want me to choose between them and church. It's hard sometimes. Over the past year, my faith has been my anchor through some pretty tough storms. My faith has saved me.

Last week, I was talking to my youth minister at church and I was talking about the lack of support that I had. And it hit me, am I living my life in a way that others can see Christ through me?

Now, I am not making excuses for the way some people treat me. Not at all. But, at the end of the day, am I doing enough in MY faith that Christ shows through me? I think, sometimes, people attack what they don't understand. And Christ is something that not many people struggle to understand. If I am not doing everything I can to live my life in a way that Christ shines through,  then I am not doing enough. Period. If others look at me and don't see Christ in me, then I have failed. I know that statement may seem harsh. But, for me, it's the truth. I want to live my life in such a way that people look at me and see Christ and see my love for Christ, my commitment to my Faith, and my drive to be a better Christian every day. I want to lead people to Christ. I want them to have the same experiences that I have. That feeling of knowing that someone loves you, unconditionally. That feeling of having an anchor in even the worst of storms.

Sometimes, we can talk all we want about how our faith saved us. Changed us. But, unless people see that, they Christ, our words are nothing more than words. Let them see Him through you. Show them how Christ has changed your life. Show them.

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